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viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

Actividad- Unidad2

Distance education is an educational method in which students do not need to physically attend any classroom. Normally, the student is sent by mail the study materials (texts, videos, audio tapes, CDs) and he returns the exercises solved.

Today is also used email and other Internet facilities, such as blogs, virtual classrooms primarily as the LMS Moodle (online learning). Learning developed with new communication technologies is called e-learning. In some cases, students should or can go physically at certain times to receive tutoring, or for tests. There is distance education to any level of education, but as usual is being conducted for college.
Fuente: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educaci%C3%B3n_a_distancia

La educación a distancia es una modalidad educativa en la que los estudiantes no necesitan asistir físicamente a ningún aula. Normalmente, se envía al estudiante por correo el material de estudio (textos escritos, vídeos, cintas de audio, discos compactos) .Hoy en día, se utiliza también el correo electrónico y otras posibilidades que ofrece Internet, como son los blogs, fundamentalmente las aulas virtuales como el LMS Moodle (educación en línea). Al aprendizaje desarrollado con las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación se le llama e-learning. Existe educación a distancia para cualquier nivel de estudios, pero lo más usual es que se imparta para estudios universitarios.

Selecciona tres oraciones e indica:
 Frase nominal, pre y post modificadores y núcleo:

Distance education is an educational method in which students do not need to physically attend any classroom

Pre modificador: Distance education
Nucleo FN : education
Verbo FV: is
FV: an educational method in which students do not need to physically attend any classroom
Nucleo FV: is

Tiempo verbal de la oración: presente simple

 Normally, the student is sent by mail the study materials (texts, videos, audio tapes, CDs) and he returns the exercises solved.

Pre modificador: Normally, the
Nucleo FN : student
Verbo FV: is sent
FV: by mail the study materials (texts, videos, audio tapes, CDs) and he returns the exercises solved
Nucleo FV: is
Tiempo verbal de la oración: participio pasado

Today is also used email and other Internet facilities, such as blogs, virtual classrooms primarily as the LMS Moodle (online learning)

Pre modificador: none
Nucleo FN : Today
Verbo FV: is also used
FV: also used email and other Internet facilities, such as blogs, virtual classrooms primarily as the LMS Moodle (online learning)
Nucleo FV: is also used
Tiempo verbal de la oración: participio pasado

Learning developed with new communication technologies is called e-learning. In some cases, students should or can go physically at certain times to receive tutoring, or for tests.

Pre modificador: Learning developed with new communication technologies
Nucleo FN : Learning
Verbo FV: is called
FV: is called e-learning. In some cases, students should or can go physically at certain times to receive tutoring, or for tests.
Nucleo FV: is called
Tiempo verbal de la oración: participio pasado

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