Unidad2 parte 2.
Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés. Indica la Idea principal del texto (en español)
The famous William Shakespeare, actor and playwright, wrote his plays more than 400 years ago. actors during those days had a difficult life. Young male actors in England played the women roles in plays.
El famoso William Shakespeare, actor y dramaturgo, escribió sus obras hace más de 400 años. Muchos actores en esos dias tenian una vida difícil. Jovenes actores en Inglaterra actuaban los roles femeninos en las obras.
a. Estructura de la oración: Ubica tres oraciones e indica:
1.- The famous William Shakespeare, actor and playwright, wrote his plays more than 400 years ago.
Frase nominal: The famous William Shakespeare, actor and playwright,
Núcleo de la frase nominal: William Shakespeare
pre modificadores: The famous
post modificadores: actor and playwright
Frase verbal: wrote his plays more than 400 years ago
Núcleo de la frase verbal: wrote
Tiempo verbal: Simple Past
2.- Many actors during those days had a difficult life.
Frase nominal: Many actors during those days.
Núcleo de la frase nominal: actors
pre modificadores: Many
post modificadores: during those days
Frase verbal: had a difficult life
Núcleo de la frase verbal: had
Tiempo verbal: Simple Past
3.- Young male actors in England played the women roles in plays.
Frase nominal: Young male actors in England.
Núcleo de la frase nominal: actors
pre modificadores: young male
post modificadores: in England
Frase verbal: played the women roles in plays
Núcleo de la frase verbal: played
Tiempo verbal: Simple Past
b. Ubica los elementos referenciales presentes en tu texto:
1.-Pronombres demostrativos: this / that o sus formas plurales these / those;
a.- Americans believe that only good dreams pass through catchers. When you have those dreams you remember them.
b.- We have to look for train number 234.Oh look that is our train.
2.-Pronombre Personales: he/she/it/him/ her/ they/them.
a.- I have new friends in my English class. They are very nice. Arelis is my girlfriend in educational PHD and she is also in my English class.
a.1.- Whales often get trapped in fishing nets. Then they die because they can´t breathe under water.
b.- The ship sailed for another month, but Columbus and his sailors didn´t find land. It was very hot and there was very little food left and most of it was bad.
c.- He didn´t hurt him, when he fell over.
3.-Conectores: Los adverbios de lugar here, there;
a.- The dolphin Peter was born here in Ocean World.
4.-Elementos referenciales: Who, what, when, where
a.- Alex is the boy who visited us from England.
b.- The children are happy thatswhat makes the work at the park worth the effort.
c.- I know exactly where I´m at. Just past the station where you can take the train.
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